Happy Law Firm. Happy Clients. It Just Makes Sense.
Unlike any other personal injury law firm we know, our firm hasn’t been advertising recently. Even our odd billboard has received the chop because we find that every second billboard is that of a personal injury advertisement and the world really doesn’t need one more. We will of course release the odd Facebook post every now and then just so everyone knows that we are not from a prehistoric era and we can be social media savvy. As such, it has not been our catch phrases, our non-existent marketing team or our incredibly good looks which have been keeping us exceptionally busy lately.
Rather, it has been our past and current clients who have been sharing our name and for that, we are sincerely grateful. For us, this is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment to be in a position where clients are so completely satisfied with our service that not only do they walk away feeling happy with their entire legal experience but they also place their confidence in us by referring us on to their friends and family for any of their personal injury claims. A large enterprise can’t just rely on Word of Mouth, rather you have to have a consistent and excessively expensive marketing campaign with the costs being passed on to the clients. Rather than utilising expensive marketing options, at Revolution Law we focus on consistent and memorable service.
A high standard of service can only be provided when you have a team that supports the Director and believes in the ethos of the business. We are fortunate enough to be backed by an incredible team who are each individually committed and exceptional in every way. It is our team that keeps this high standard of service and that are amazing advocates for Revolution Law. We can place our full trust in their hands knowing that each injury matter will be treated with the respect it deserves. Growth and size of a business take away that personal touch and experience that we know clients are seeking particularly after they have experienced a traumatic accident.
A huge amount of work goes into a running a personal injury claim, they are time intensive, require significant attention to detail and a proactive lawyer that is passionate about going the extra mile as opposed to placing complicated or difficult matters into the too hard basket. A poorly run claim can have detrimental effects on the end result which once settled, cannot be overturned. For this reason, we also refuse to advertise when we are experiencing particularly busy periods. We don’t want to ever be in a position where our clients become just a number and we become so time poor that we can’t be anything but exceptional advocates for their injury claims. It doesn’t matter how ‘commercially viable’, how big or how small your claim is – we can guarantee that we will go above and beyond to run your claim to an impeccable standard thus ensuring the best possible outcome.
Ryan our Director regularly gets asked about his ambition for the firm. It seems in law circles, success is often measured by turning a boutique practice into a larger and more corporate personal injury firm. However, for Ryan, success is happiness. Happiness is when your clients are content and feel comfortable to give you a call on your mobile. Happiness is having an amazing legal team who are just as passionate about the business as the Director. Happiness is having the local school kids come in and ask you to buy some hot chips because they haven’t been lurking next to the front door all day. Happiness is being able to give to charities that we believe in. Happiness is when your clients are happy with the results and give you a google review! So perhaps some might be a bit shocked that we don’t just hire more staff, advertise more and grow our firm into an impersonal, money spinning, corporate venture but ultimately, it comes down to the fact that we are just happy with what we have and what we can provide to our clients.
Have you suffered due to someone else’s negligence at work or on the roads? We can explain your legal rights to ensure that you know where you stand.
If you have questions then check us out on www.revolutionlaw.com.au , call us on 07 3416 3999 or pop into our Logan office on Kingston Road and speak to one of our experienced compensation lawyers.
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